Behalfy is your trusted IT partner

At Behalfy, we are your trusted IT consulting partner, providing expert guidance and tailored solutions to ensure your projects succeed. Let us help you achieve your goals with innovative strategies and exceptional support.

Our services

Focused Talent Acquisition

Behalfy stands out for its ability to identify and attract top talent in the IT field. With an extensive network of qualified candidates and advanced search techniques, we find the perfect profiles to meet our clients' requirements.

Tailored Profiling Process

At Behalfy, we emphasize the importance of cultural alignment. We perform in-depth psychological and psychometric evaluations to ensure candidates seamlessly integrate with our clients' organizational culture.

Administrative Support

Behalfy streamlines the recruitment of international talent by providing comprehensive administrative support. We handle all formalities and administrative processes, allowing you to recruit global talent seamlessly.

Strong technical expertise

Strong technical expertise

Our team combines hands-on managers with extensive technical expertise, bolstering our ability to find the best talent for technical positions.

Extensive engineers team

Extensive engineers team

We have an extensive network of top-tier engineers, enabling us to quickly identify and attract the most qualified candidates for our clients.